omlox-based indoor localization

Research area

© Fraunhofer IOSB-INA
Assembly of carrier plates and sensor hardware: SmartFactoryOWL was expanded in 2023 to become the world's first omlox test laboratory.

Localization of objects (material, tools, machine parts) is essential in digital production. Fraunhofer IOSB-INA is testing localization solutions at SmartFactoryOWL and the 5G application center established there. A new and particularly interoperable and open localization solution called omlox has now been successfully installed at SmartFactoryOWL. omlox is an open real-time localization standard that enables the interoperability of various localization technologies and services. This makes it possible to provide localization services across manufacturers.

IOSB-INA is involved in the standardization and further development of omlox in the omlox working groups Test, Use-Cases and Safety and operates the world's first omlox test laboratory.

Further information on omlox can be found at:

For inquiries of any kind (e.g. conformity tests), please contact our colleagues Mr. Fast or Dr. Flatt.

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Our range of services:

  • Conformity tests are a prerequisite for omlox certification of hardware and software components: We test your omlox products (core zone, (hub) software) according to the specifications for the certificate types omlox certified air 8, omlox certified hub as well as omlox connectable app and omlox connectable provider.
  • Tests in a real production environment allow you to determine the performance of your localization products beyond mere conformity with the omlox standard. We offer you the opportunity to test your products outside of controlled laboratory conditions in our Smart Factory.
  • Tests directly in your company offer the opportunity to experience and evaluate the performance of omlox and to use the results as a basis for subsequent planning and design of a permanent installation.
  • Consulting and further development are also part of our range of services. Benefit from our expertise by letting us support you with your localization projects.

Core benefits for companies:

  • Increased efficiency in production: The precise localization solutions we develop and implement help you minimize downtimes and optimize the material flow, resulting in higher productivity.
  • Competitive advantage through expertise: Benefit from our extensive know-how and the unique test infrastructure at SmartFactoryOWL. We offer tailor-made solutions and fast implementations to support your production processes and meet your specific requirements.
  • Cost reduction through proven results: Our omlox conformance tests provide the basis for certification of your products, which we see as a prerequisite for successful market access. We help you to test and optimize your localization products for real performance.
  • Future-proof technologies: We support you in the development and implementation of innovative, location-based applications that transform your business processes and help you to position yourself successfully in the digital transformation.


  • SmartFactoryOWL with flexible carrier plates under the hall ceiling to accommodate infrastructure for indoor localization
  • omlox Core Zone infrastructure with 8 satellites and tags from Trumpf with a localization accuracy of up to 30 cm
  • omlox complementary zone infrastructure with video-optical localization and Bluetooth-based localization (under construction)
  • omlox hub from the Flowcate company
  • omlox app as an example for the fusion of several localization sources in one application
  • INArice mobile traverse system for recording indoor localization infrastructure in combination with process data acquisition for tests in companies
  • 3D lift system Hermann for carrying out localization tests in 3D space
  • 5G Campus network for carrying out coexistence tests with omlox components

References / Publications:

  • Hufen, Florian; Fast, Harry; Friesen, Andrej; Flatt, Holger; Jasperneite, Jürgen; Jöst, Matthias; Schlecht, Laura; Bybordi, Salar: How to build omlox products - A guide to air device integration. In: Guideline, PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO), Jan 2025
  • Hufen, Florian; Fast, Harry; Friesen, Andrej; Kellermeier, Kai; Flatt, Holger; Jasperneite, Jürgen; Jöst, Matthias: Locating Technologies reimagined - Introducing omlox the open locating standard. In: Guideline, PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO), Oct 2024
  • Fast, Harry; Hufen, Florian; Flatt, Holger; Bybordi, Salar; Lehmann, Franz: Vorgehensmodell zur Bewertung und Planung omlox-basierter Indoor-Lokalisierungssysteme in Industrieumgebungen. In: Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2024), Lemgo, Nov 2024
  • Hufen, Florian; Siekmann, Timo; Fast, Harry; Flatt, Holger; Schriegel, Sebastian: Positionierung und Vermessung von Komponenten für Indoor-Lokalisierungs- und drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme in Industrieumgebungen. In: Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2023), Magdeburg, Nov 2023. 
  • Schulte, Bastian; Fast, Harry; Flatt, Holger: Lokalisierung von mobilen intelligenten Werkstückträgern innerhalb einer vollautomatisierten industriellen Fertigungsanlage mittels Bluetooth 5.1. In: Automation 2021, digital, Jun. 2021.
  • Projekt Positionsbestimmung von Produktionsmitteln auf Basis von Bluetooth-Beacons und Einplatinencomputern
  • Projekt zur Entwicklung einer Lokalisierungsfunktion für eine Softwarelösung zur automatisierten, personalisierten Erfassung von Produkteinkäufen auf Smartphone-/Bluetooth-Basis
  • Projekte zur Lokalisierung eines Handschraubers auf Basis optischer Sensoren zur Unterstützung manueller Verschraubungsprozesse in der Industrie
  • Flatt, Holger; Koch, Nils ; Guenter, Andrei; Röcker, Carsten; Jasperneite, Jürgen: A Context-Aware Assistance System for Maintenance Applications in Smart Factories based on Augmented Reality and Indoor Localization. In: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), Luxembourg, Sep. 2015
  • Koch, Nils; Imtiaz, Jahanzaib; Flatt, Holger; Jasperneite, Jürgen; Voit, Michael; van de Camp, Florian: Vision-based Positioning Enables Scalable User-Context Aware Services for Industrial Applications. In: Bildverarbeitung in der Automation (BVAu), Lemgo, Nov. 2014

World's first omlox test laboratory accredited

The world's first omlox test laboratory was accredited at the Fraunhofer Institute in Lemgo in November 2023...


First Omlox Plugfest at the SmartFactoryOWL

The very first OMLOX Plugfest took place recently and offered a platform for networking, professional exchange and collegial collaboration...


Reference project: Testing of localization applications

3D Liftsystem

The "Hermann" 3D lift system can be used to test the performance of indoor localization solutions in three-dimensional space. For this purpose, the tags are mounted on the system and automatically moved to reproducible positions. These tests are carried out under real industrial...

Support panels on the hall ceiling

The SmartFactoryOWL is equipped with 24 universally usable support plates under the hall ceiling, on which antennas, for example, can be easily installed temporarily for tests.