Industrial Automation branch INA
of Fraunhofer IOSB
Industrial Automation branch INA
of Fraunhofer IOSB
Fraunhofer IOSB
Jobs & Career in Lemgo
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Intelligent sensor systems
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Research topics and projects
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Industriy 4.0 Retrofitting
Project: Visible Light in production
3D Sensoren
Scalable Industrie 4.0 retrofit solutions
Application area indoor localization with omlox
Computer Vision
Fraunhofer Energy Check: Find potential savings in your production.
omlox-based indoor localization
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Sensor technology seminar: Understanding machines better
Industrial Communication and IoT
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Research topics and projects
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smartSafety for IoT
Fraunhofer IOSB-INA shows interoperability of Ethernet TSN
Fraunhofer technology from Lemgo at the CES in Las Vegas
SPS: Fraunhofer shows Ethernet of the future
IIoT Testbed
5G Application Center Lemgo
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5G application center in detail
5G Learning Locations OWL
TSN-Test Lab
IoT technologies and application development
Safety in Produktion I4.0
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Innovation project AutoS²
Common understanding of safety and security
Big Data Platforms
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Research topics, projects and industry
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Big Data Success Stories
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Seminar: Big Data for Industrial Automation
Seminar: Industry 4.0 Communication with OPC UA
Machine Learning
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Research topics and projects
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Project ML4Pro²: Machine learning for production and its products
Project KI4LSA: Artificial intelligence for light signal systems
Self-learning condition monitoring system
Project SyDaPro: Synthetic Data within Production
Next Level Machine Learning
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Automated condition monitoring
Attack detection for industrial networks
Fusion ML and symbolic AI
Reinforcement Learning
AI Real Lab
Assistance Systems
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Research topics, projects and products
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Assistance system XTEND
Project AWARE Work 4.0
Cyber security
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Research topics and projects
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Project HAIP: Hybride KI intrusion prevention for industrial control systems
Laboratory Cybersecurity in production
Project SILK: Security incident assessment through AI-based text mining
Cybersecurity service offerings
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Mobile demonstration and learning platform
Development of secure software products
Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)
IEC 62443
Security Monitoring
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Seminar: IT Security in Automation Technology
Secure identities for automation systems according to IEC 62443
Smart City
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City Center
Project support
Energy and environment
Data platform
Data-Driven Business
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Data-based value creation: Impulse workshop
Future City Solutions
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Traffic detection and control
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Project support
Technology development
Technology testing
Data platform
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Real lab Lemgo Digital
Intelligent traffic management
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Parking management Paderborn
Connected mobility and 5G
Digital historical Weser ferry
Environmental monitoring
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BürgerWOLKE Soest
Flood and heavy rain protection
Morgenstadt Data Conference 2022
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Real lab Lemgo Digital
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IoT-based, municipal flood warnings
Intelligent traffic flow optimisation at traffic lights
Sustainability and precision in winter maintenance
IoT-based climate monitoring
The digital energy twin
Cybersecurity for IoT solutions
Digital car park management
Energy management in the urban quarter
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Transformation processes and data literacy
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Smart City Study Series
Public welfare through municipal data expertise
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Digital Tag
Smart City Event
Morgenstadt Data Conference 2022
Zukunftsforum of the district of Hameln-Pyrmont
Smart City X Open Industry - Digital twin
Guided city tour "Smart City Lemgo"
Deep Dive Smart City
Smart Country Convention 2023
Symbolic methods and optimization
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Research topics and projects
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Project KOSMOX: Development of a novel local counterfactual interface.
Project KI4LSA: Artificial Intelligence for LightSignalSystems
Project IMAGINE: Instruments for the design of AI-supported intralogistics
Project SUPPORT: New form of artificial intelligence optimizes production planning
Project EASY
Project KISLEK
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Jobs & Career in Lemgo
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Experienced professionals
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PhD student in the field of Human-Machine Interaction for Industry 4.0 Assistance Systems (f/m)
Research assistant in the field of IT security in industry (f/m)
Research assistant for software development of industry 4.0 assistance systems (f/m)
Research assistant in the field of "Internet of Things" (IoT) (f/m)
Research assistant in the area of Big Data platforms (f/m/d)
Research assistant in the field of open IT platforms (m/f/d)
Research assistant in the field of open IT platforms (m/f/d)
Research Associate in the area of Platforms for Industry 4.0 (m/f/d)
Research assistant in the field of "Cybersecurity"
Research associate in the field of artificial intelligence and optimization
Head of the "Data-based value creation" group
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Thesis on the traffic simulation of a section of road in the Old Hanseatic City of Lemgo
Development of an AR application for a Smart City Tour
Development of demonstrators and graphical user interfaces for AI applications
Development of simulation models for AI applications
Development of test models for data generation
Visual Light in production: Electronics development
Visual Light in production: Mechanical development
Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting for autonomous sensor technology
Quantum computing in SmartCity and Smart Factory applications.
Dual Studying with Fraunhofer
Research and life in Lemgo
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10 reasons to work at Fraunhofer
The future is born: Innovation Campus Lemgo
Lemgo in 5 minutes
it's OWL
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Technical employee in the field of usability (f/m)
Research assistant in the field of intelligent technical systems (f/m)
Research assistant in the field of IoT for industry and city (f/m/d)
Research assistant in the field of artificial intelligence (f/m/d)
Research assistant in the field of software development (f/m)
Research assistant in the field of AI and optimization
Unsolicited applications
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Digitalization contact point: Smart city project office opened
»Building a bridge to the future for work«
Excellent assistance systems for more opportunities
Cyber security according to IEC 62443
IMAGINE project
INAcarry: self-sufficient & compact fault detector
Induction of new employees with augmented reality
Manual for the digital renaissance of existing plants
IT Security in Automation Technology
The Future of Industry 4.0
Project start AutoS²
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